Friday, September 07, 2007

Participation of 2007 7th Month Ceremonial Rites for Our Ancestors and Parents at San Qing Gong 2007年为先辈与父母亲参予三清宫庆中元超度

Yearly San Qing Gong organise the 7th month prayer with the invitation of China renowned Taoist Priest for the ceremonial rites. I took this opportunity to register my Grandparents and parents for the mass ceremonial rites. With the present of the renowned China Taoist priest, yearly the response was overwhelming. Followings are some of the photographs that were taken on that day to share with family, relatives and friends.
Date: 7th September, 2007 Time: 1130hrs to 1330 hrs

一年一度三清宫都会举行庆中元超度仪式并聘请中国著名道士到此举行超度仪式,在此我也乘这个机会跟先辈与父母亲集体超度。有了中国著名道士的到来,为先人超度的反应菲常踊跃。以下的照片是当日所拍下来的,也顺便放在此与家人和亲友观赏。 日期∶ 阳历九月七号/农历七月二十六日。时间:早上十一点三十分至下午一点三十分

Exterior Decor of San Qing Gong 三清宫外观

Main Altar - Qing Shui Zu Shi Ye 正坛-清水祖师爷

The setting of the Main Altar is a glamorous sight that is hardly seen nowadays. 庄严的正坛布置是一个罕见的景观。

Left & Right Side Altar Staging 左右两边神坛

Guardian Angel 守护神

Religious Decor 传统的装饰

These custom religious decor spice up the celebration atmosphere. 这些传统的装饰为整个布置增添了浓浓的节日气氛。

Artistic & Religious Memo 传统而艺术性的通告

These memos are hand written with chinese brush, what an artistic display. 这些传统的通告都是用毛笔写的,真是难得的艺术作品。

Ancestors, Parents & Father-In Law Alter 先辈,父母亲以及岳父的灵位

Ancestor Tablet Staging 祖先灵位安置

Ancestors tablet are neatly arranged in rows and columns, creating a sense of solemnity. 祖先灵位都被整齐的排列着,使整个仪式显得格外庄严。

Tentage For Ancestor Prayers 为拜祭祖先而建的帐棚

To facilitate the public paying offering to their ancestors, San Qing Gong had erect a tentage to suit the needs. 三清宫为了方便各界人士拜祭祖先特别准备的帐棚。

Joss Paper Burner 金炉

This is the joss paper burner for the burning of ancestors' joss paper. 这就是烧冥纸的金炉。